Buy less, buy better, buy local, buy British

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We are delighted to share an article about classic English shoemakers in Northampton, which includes interviews with Cordwainer members Jonathan and William Church of Joseph Cheaney & Co, written by Eric Musgrave at our fellow ‘leathery’ Livery the Worshipful Company of Leathersellers.

As Musgrave argues “Buy less. Buy better. Buy local. Buy British. The now-familiar slogans of the advocates of sustainability in fashion are old news in Northamptonshire. In the home of classic English shoemakers family-owned firms that do things in the old-fashioned way enjoy a worldwide reputation … Attracting new talent, however, remains a challenge for this thriving craft-based industry.

We couldn’t agree more. It emphasises how important it is to help support heritage skills and keep them alive. Read the full article here: ‘Best Foot Forward: Northampton Shoemakers’.